Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tips On Cooking Seafood - Monk Fish

In Britain several decades ago Monk Fish was one of the inexpensive and irrelevant fishes from the deep, and was often used as a filler in reformed fish products, which made from Dublin Bay Prawns. Monk Fish has now gained more prominence and is a top rated fish, usually with the price tag to go along with it.

The fish itself has a gigantic head and mouth and a very firm spine. It is easy to skin, but an inner membrane also needs removing to stop the flesh curling when cooked. The flesh is firm in texture and similar in taste to Prawn, and is ideal for a great range of dishes. Once the fish is prepared the flesh will be bone-free.

Tip 1. Plain and simple cooking of Monk Fish

It would do the fish great injustice to cover it in batter or breadcrumbs and to deep fry it to represent how it was first used, so we won't. But a very easy and simple way to cook the fish is to cut into 10cm in length and 1cm thick strips. Cover them in oil, chopped chilli and garlic for a few hours, then simply pan fry and serve with a salad. Posh, but very tasty fish fingers. A very easy meal to cook when returning home.

Tip 2. Cooking Monk Fish with style and flair

This dish combines a whole range of varied ingredients, but is simple to cook. You need to skewer the fish on a kebab made of a thick twig of the herb rosemary which will flavour the inner part of the fish,cut 170 g of Monk Fish cut into thumb sized pieces per kebab. The kebab should be marinated for a minimum of four hours in Olive, a generous supply of rosemary and Thai fish sauce.

Prepare the serving dressing, which will consist of the shredded rosemary leaves, olives, anchovies, a few capers and olive oil. Blend the mix slightly, it will still need some solid consistency and not be totally smooth. Grill the kebabs and drizzle with the dressing. Prepare the dish in the morning and it will be ready to cook when you come home from work.

Tip 3. Something a little different Monk Fish joins forces with a Beef classic

Because of the firm nature of the fish it has many similarities to Beef, other than it tastes better and is more healthy! Follow the instructions for the classic French dish Beef in Red wine from are of Burgundy, just replace the beef with the Monk Fish. You will not need to cook the chunks of Monk Fish a great deal. So concentrate on making your usual sauce, and add the Monk Fish at the end. The result will be a pleasant surprise.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

About Fish: Grill, Fry, Poach or Steam?

Although I would never have believed it, the best two pieces of fish I have eaten lately were poached and steamed: The salmon was poached and the cod was steamed and I cooked both, much to my surprise. I tried both on a whim and found this method of cooking to be far superior to baking or frying.

I am not a gourmet cook- I have taken exactly one cooking lesson and that was in Florence, Italy, so I was more than a little distracted. But I like to know what I am eating and am learning to care about where the food is from since I am more than a little concerned about the rapidly diminishing quality of American food.

My husband and I love fish; living in northern Nevada as we do, the price of fish tends to be a lot higher than in many other parts of the country; therefore, we like to make the most out of our purchase. Although farm raised fish is on average, at least 25% cheaper than wild, we try not to buy farm raised as we are skeptical about the living conditions of those fish and the details of how they are raised.

My whim of trying the poached salmon occurred on a day when I felt fat since I'd not been able to work out for several days and I wanted to avoid calories. It was a holiday and my husband wanted to take me out for dinner; ordering the poached salmon seemed like the least destructive entree that I could order. To my surprise, the poached salmon was actually far superior to any I had eaten at gourmet restaurants. And when I decided to replicate it at home, I found that I could do it without too much anxiety- it was a matter of keeping the water at a minimal boil, best established via a candy thermometer to keep the water temperature between 160 and 180 degrees. However, a few days, I tried the steaming a piece of salmon and found steaming a good deal easier and just as good as the poached.

However, I do have a pound of wild halibut in the refrigerator which I will grill tomorrow- somehow, poaching or steaming halibut seems to be an affront.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why Raise Squabs, The Delectable Bird?

I have noticed that one of the most common superlatives used to describe the taste of a squab is "delectable." Webster defines the meaning as highly pleasing, delightful, and delicious, and others add luscious, extremely pleasing to the sense of taste, and capable of causing desire. Having eaten a few, I must concur.

I began raising pigeons and squabs after reading "Raising Small Meat Animals" by Victor M. Giammattei, D.V.M., 1976. His chapter named "Raising Delectable Squabs" caught my eye, and I quote from the first paragraph. It reads: "Curiously, few people today are familiar with squabs, even fewer have eaten them, and fewer yet have raised them. There's no logic in this, for squabs are easy to raise, and their meat is the finest of all poultry meats".

O.K., you have my attention, sir. I was one of the uninitiated, for at that time I had never eaten a squab either nor seen it offered. He went on. "Squab ranks along with filet mignon, lobster, or suckling kid (young goat). It is found only on the menus of better restaurants and hotels, on steamships, in country clubs, and in some hospitals. It has been a dinner entree for kings, queens, and other nobility since the time of the ancient Greeks...Considering the ease with which they can be raised, the quality of their meat, and the modest cost to the backyard grower, there is no reason why the energetic family should be without squab meat - in the author's opinion, the choicest of all meats." Why not indeed, I asked? How had I managed to miss this taste treat? Sign me up.

If this were not enough to convince me about the quality of squab, I have since found other interesting references. Philippa Scott, from her "Gourmet Game", lists a recipe for "Trid", or Moroccan Pancakes Stuffed With Pigeon. She writes: "In his "Moorish Recipes", John, fourth Marquis of Bute, suggests that this dish might well have been introduced into Morocco in the time of Mulai Idris, descendent of the Prophet Mohammed, who fled to Morocco from Mecca, and whose body lies buried at Fez, the land of his exile. It is reputed to be the oldest Arab dish, and it is said that when the Prophet Mohammed was asked what he liked best in the world, he answered that he loved his wife above everything, but after her he loved "Trid."

The Chinese have raised squab for over 2000 years. Today squab farms are big business in china, with several hundred being operated with government approval and encouragement. They are also big medicine. The Chinese believe that squab is not only delicious and easily digestible, but that the meat and broth can be used to treat a variety of health ailments. The ancient people used to call pigeons "the sweet blooded animal", and can be used to cure anemia, weakness, and fatique. It can be used to prevent high blood pressure, vascular sclerosis, and osteoporosis, just to name a few. Pigeon was the first kind of poultry to be designated as "green food" from the China Green Food Development Center, which means pigeon is the most clean and unsullied meat product to consume.

On the American scene, the use of squab may be a result of the people's memory and fondness for the tenderness and taste of the passenger pigeon, and we know what happened to that miraculous horde. They ate them. Thomas Jefferson and the history of the United States are forever intertwined. Among many other things, Jefferson was a "foodie", should there have been a such a term around in those days. He loved his land, his crops, and his meals provided from them. He was famous for his dinner parties and for his dinner guests. Squab was on the menu, raised from his own lofts. "Squab in Compote", a french recipe, was one of his favorite dishes.

William Randolph Hearst, in his day, was one of the richest and most powerful men in America. Like Jefferson, he was also famous for his dinner parties and the extensive menus. The estate was well known for it's squab loft's and squab dinners, served to other American royalty and celebrities lucky enough to be included on the guest list. If they were very fortunate, "Hearst Ranch Squab" a roasted, stuffed bird, would be on the table.

So folks, try a squab today. If it's good enough for a prophet, an American founding father, and one of the world's richest men, it's good enough for me. After all, 1.4 billion Chinese, with a "B", cannot be wrong.

By the way, did I mention that you can raise them in a small backyard? You don't have to be born of royal blood lines either, but you can dine like you do. They are, a most "delectable" bird.


Trid: Moroccan Pancakes Stuffed With Pigeon

1 1/2 pound pigeon meat, cut into about 20 pieces. Salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, good pinch of saffron, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 stick cinnamon, 1 tablespoon chopped chervil,1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 3 large onions (chopped), 1/2 cup water, 1 cup olive oil, 3 heaping cups flour.

Simmer the meat, salt and pepper, spices and herbs, onions, water, and 1/2 cup olive oil in a heavy casserole with a tight fitting lid. Make a simple dough with the flour and very little water. Work it thoroughly, then make it into about 20 balls about the size of small hen's eggs. Flatten each on a lightly oiled board into a very thin disc. Cook each on a dry griddle, not too hot but cooked on each side.

Arrange 1/2 of these cooked pancakes in an ovenproof dish, overlapping each other and coming up the sides of the dish. When the meat is tender, remove the cinnamon stick, and arrange the meat on top of the pancakes. Cover with the remaining pancakes. Pour a little of the cooking liquid over the trid, and serve the rest as a sauce.

From Gourmet Game: Recipes and Anecdotes From Around The World by Philippa Scott.

Squab in Compote

6 plump squabs, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup finely chopped onion, 1 finely diced carrot, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 slices diced bacon, 1/4 pound sliced mushrooms, 1/3 cup Sherry, or Madeira.

Truss the squabs. Melt butter in a casserole dish with a tight fitting lid. Add squabs along with onion, carrot, and salt. Saute until delicately browned on all sides, turning the birds frequently. Next add the bacon, mushrooms, and sherry or Madeira. Cover tightly and simmer in the oven gently for 40 or 45 minutes or until tender when tested with a fork. Do not overcook or they will fall apart. Remove birds, and serve with the sauce on the side.

Hearst Ranch Squab

6 plump squabs, 3 cups bread crumbs, 4 eggs, 2 cups grated Romano cheese, 2 gloves garlic, 2 teaspoons chopped parsley, 3 chopped onions, pinch of marjoram, salt and pepper to taste, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1 cup claret.

Drain squabs dry, cut off tips of wings. Mix ingredients, except oil and claret. Stuff birds with mixter and skewer closed. Brush birds with oil and place breast up in an uncovered baking dish. Bake in oven preheated to 400 degrees until brown (35 minutes). Brush with oil, baste with claret. Serve on thin toast with a Borderlino or California red wine.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Health Advantages of Considering A Vegetarian Diet

Just as the saying goes, "You are what you eat," and what you put into your body is what your body gives back to you. Therefore, if you're feeling unhealthy, drink as well as smoke a lot, consume junk food, and don't get adequate rest, anticipate that you will probably experience health difficulties by the time you turn forty. A vegetarian dish consists of just fruits or vegetables, and doesn't take into account eating any type of meat products, which includes eggs and milk. These kinds of dishes also include grains as well as nuts.

Changing to a vegan diet, however, isn't easy. Our body could be used to eating lean chicken and meat, which might help make us long for them throughout the first couple of weeks of beginning the dietary plan.

A person enters a vegetarian diet for many reasons. It could possibly be as a result of health reasons. They might have developed a health ailment which requires them to change their eating habits. Alternatively, it could be that they finally decided to shed extra weight quickly and opt for a vegan or semi vegan diet regime. For other individuals, religious beliefs as well as their advocacy's can be another motive. A number of religions such as Buddhism encourages their followers not to consume any type of meat. They think that it takes a lot of the earth's resources in order to produce meat. It requires land, gas, water simply to fulfill our tastes with premium cut steaks and tenderloins. Becoming a vegetarian is the easy way of taking care of our planet and never desiring things which are even harmful to their well being.

Other individuals believe in protecting the rights of animals, and is also another common reason. Many believe animals have feelings, and they deserve the right to live and not just to fill our daily consumption.

Varieties of Vegetarians

Not all vegetarians stick to a strict diet of not eating any kind of meat products. The following are different sorts of vegetarians:

Vegan - are individuals which strictly stick to a no meat item for their diet, which includes eggs and dairy products. There are two types of vegans, the dietary and strict. Strict vegans do not want anything to do with any products produced from animals such as accessories, apparels and make up. Dietary vegans are only those that restrict having animal dietary products.

Lacto-vegetarian - they consume only vegetable-based meals, but are actually not a 100% vegan diet since they still eat dairy products, but however keep away from meats and eggs.

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian - these types of vegetarians include dairy and egg products, but still stick to no meat food products.

Ovo Vegetarians - this diet contains no eggs, but no dairy products. They do not in any way take any egg products.

Flexitarians - these types of vegetarians eat meat on certain occasions, but only white meat such as fishes and also poultry products. Additionally, they welcome having dairy products, in moderate helpings.

Disadvantages of a Vegetarian Diet

Just before we all tackle the benefits of having a vegetarian diet regime, it is actually best to know their down sides first. This is not to make you think twice, but to understand the best way to manage a vegetarian diet. Health dangers could only be acquired based on the nutrients and vitamins which might be eliminated in your diet.

Protein is abundant in poultry and meats. Our body can make up about 75 percent of protein, and an average person is required to absorb 40 to 65 grams daily to keep a healthy diet. Protein is undoubtedly important to help us repair our tissues, protect against infection, and also heal wounds. If we eradicate protein from our diet regime, we would most likely end up having reoccurring illnesses, circulatory problems, and anemia.

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, acids and it's well known we all should really try to eat fish at least twice a week. This type of fat is undoubtedly good and can help prevent plaque buildup in the heart, as well as hardening of the heart walls, known as atherosclerosis. Omega-3 fatty acids may also help eliminate depression and inflammation.

Iron is also within meat products. Removing your iron absorption could lower your immune program, causes you fatigue, and hemorrhage.

Calcium is largely present in dairy products. Although, it might be found in soy products, tofu, and also legumes, it's nonetheless crucial for you to take in adequate calcium every day. The danger of low calcium intake frequently results in hypertension and also osteoporosis, especially in ladies who are on their postmenopausal stage.

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient which is found within both your meat and dairy products. Having a deficiency of Vitamin B12 could result in brain nerve damage or anemia, cardiovascular diseases, and a high risk of acquiring dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin B12's ultimate health advantage is to promote brain health and change carbohydrates to sugar for energy.

Advantages of Vegetarian Diet

A vegan diet is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to one's well being, just so long as you take alternative supplements for the nutrients and vitamins you are missing from your diet. It could also stop you from acquiring common illnesses related to the steroids and bad chemicals which are injected into our poultry and meats that are both carcinogenic.

A lot of fruits and vegetables have anti-cancer properties, like terpenoids, liminoids, and carotenoids, that decrease the threat of acquiring malignant and benign cancer, improve the immune system, and increase antioxidant activities. Vegetables and fruits contain a large quantity of flavonoids, a potent antioxidant, in which reduces the threat of heart attack, atherosclerosis, reduces build-up of plaques in both the heart artery as well as carotid arteries to the brain, and prevents hypertension.

Vegetarian diets are lower in fat and calories, however do not guarantee a healthy weight as some fruits and vegetables contains more fat and calories compared to lean meat and dairy products. Vegetarian diets might be healthy in some points, but over doing it could provide even higher health dangers. It's essential that you still retain a balanced and healthy diet so as to accomplish your optimum health.