Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pros and Cons of Dining Outside

Everyone wants to eat good food. There are no altercations here. However, complications rise up when we try to decide which food is better, the one that is cooked at home by ourselves or the food that is available in restaurants that is cooked by other people hidden from our eyes. The opinions of people may differ greatly here. Some might think that food cooked at home is best as we know how it was made and the ingredients which were used in making it. On the other hand, others might think that the restaurant food is better as it is presented in style and we do not have to take any trouble making it, plus it is made by expert chefs who know darn well how to cook.


Dining in a restaurant seems to be a very good thing. Firstly, the point that expert chefs cook the food and that the restaurant has a reputation to keep makes one feel that the food there would be of the highest quality. Another advantage of dining outside is that you need not to go through the trouble of securing the ingredients and assembling them in to a meal. You only need to order what you want and it would be brought to you steaming hot. You don't have to wait a long time to start eating like you have to when you eat at home. In addition to this, there is a wide variety of dishes to choose from. There are only a few dishes that one can make at home. The menu card at a restaurant allows you to eat even those dishes that you don't know how to make or that are very difficult to prepare at home. Another smaller but significant advantage of dinning outside is that you do not have to wash the dishes. You just have to eat, pay the bill and leave.


Looking at the above mentioned points the case for dinning outside sure looks a strong one, however, as they say the bullocks have horns and the roses have thorns, dining in restaurants can have their disadvantages too. For starters, the cost of eating outside is a lot higher than eating at home. The high price of the food available in restaurants can be a major deterrent for people from dinning outside. Furthermore, when you eat at restaurant and not at your home, you do no work at all and thus are at a risk of increasing your weight. People say that when you eat something that you had not made yourself or helped in making, only makes you fat and obese and endanger your health.

Even though it is debatable which type of food is best to eat, the one thing that is certain is that the food should be hygienic and must be nutritious. If there are any doubts about the quality of the food whether it is made at home or is being served in a restaurant, it is no good to eat. So, whether you dine outside or at home, keep this in mind that the food should be fresh and hygienic.

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